You, amplified (a poem about marketing)

Peter Drucker said: “Business has only two key functions: Innovation and Marketing.“ What is Marketing? All businesses claim to do marketing. The poem below entitled “You, amplified” succinctly tells us what marketing is not, and really what marketing is. Enjoy! You, Amplified Marketingis not yelling. It is not even selling. It is not bearsdancing around a cereal boxor yellow highlighter pixelson top of BUY ME NOW pixelsor naked juggling smash-cut ladies on fiery unicycles. It is not taglines or jingles,one-sheets or tri-folds,slide decksspecial offersor branding branding branding. Marketingis offering. It is talking to peoplewith wordsand soundsand gesturesand picturesspecially chosenso that …

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The Three Levels of Leadership: How to Develop Your Leadership Presence, Knowhow and Skill Listen to James Scouller giving a brief introduction to his book “The Three Levels of Leadership.” The speaker/trainer in this video is James Scouller, the author of the book “The Three Levels of Leadership.” In this video, James Scouller introduces the book, and explains who this book is for and what they’ll get out of it … and what’s different about it. If you want to know more, go to

Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) – Positioning Your Positioning in the Marketplace Unless you are in a monopoly position, you are one of the many suppliers in the market. All your competitors are vying for the same market segment. Whether you are aspiring to grow your market share, or trying to position your new business in your target market, your success is highly dependent on how you stand out vis-a-vis your competition. Your marketing effort is to attract your target prospects. But they are currently buying from your competitors. They might even be quite satisfied with the service and solutions that your competitors provide. Ask yourself: …

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First Follower: Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy Leadership and Movement This video shows how movements happen. It shows a lone gutsy individual, takes the risk of ridicule or rejection and embarks on a lonesome journey. This dancing lonesome nut has demonstrated a simple act that was so easy to follow that it took the entire crowd by storm. That’s leadership at its best. Are there leadership lessons in this 3 minute act? You bet! The first dancer dances alone. The crowd looks at him with surprise and chagrin. In time, the ‘first follower‘ gathers the courage to join him. The first follower is the one that …

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Branding for Small Businesses

What is a Brand? A brand is what identifies a business or a product. It may be a name, or a logo, or a symbol that is unique to a company or a product that is recognized instantly and associated with what it represents. Many small business owners think branding is for large companies or needs to be created for more popular products. In fact, small business needs to establish its own brand to differentiates itself from its competition. More importantly, your customer comes to recognize your brand once they benefit from your product or service, and come to reply …

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